Changes have been made to the outstanding purchases for this vendor that affect your allocations. Changes have been made to the outstanding sales for this customer that affect your allocations. Cust PO# Invoice # Vendor's # Purchase # ^0 remains to be allocated. Erase Reversal ; Reversal: This amount may not be greater than the ^0. Please indicate the account for ^0 in Setup ^1. finance charges deposits discounts Receivables Payables Finance Charge: Discount: This payment will result in ^0. Use Settle ^1 to apply the ^2 to an open ^3 a refund check. s receivable or to write payable or to deposit credit debit Credits Debits credit invoice debit purchase You may not ^0 a deposit transaction for a recorded ^1. delete reverse sale purchase ^0 in prompt payment discounts were previously given for these ^1. invoices purchases NOTE: Do not forget to delete or reverse the ^0 of the ^1 finance charge in the ^3 Journal. posting payment Sales Purchases Disbursements Receipts